Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is your favorite band?

i need to find some new bands to listen to! not the ones that they play over and over on Q102 and 96.5, but some that no one has ever really heard of, or they haven't been discovered yet. mine would probably be Band of Horses<3 what's yours??

How can you gather the confidence to talk to your crush if you're really shy around them?

I can tell he likes you but the way your demonstrating is like if your not interested. Try wearing something that really feels great and talk to him like you would your Best Friend I'm pretty sure your not shy around her.

How can I travel from Picton, Marlborough to Blenheim, Marlborough for work Monday- Friday?

I am moving from Ireland and need to be in work in Blenheim for 9am and leave work at 5pm to return to Picton. Can anyone please help me with bus/coach/rail timetables and companies please so that I know if it will be possible to use public transport to get to and from work each day.

Gay relationship advise?

I've been there. Trust me, no matter how much they cry and feel like crap for doing what they did, they're just going to do it again if you take them back. Get back at him by making him want you more than anyone else and then walk away from him. He doesn't deserve you, and no, monogomy is not too much to ask in any relationship.

What is a good private school to study Mandarin in Wuxi Jiangsu?

I would like to improve my Mandarin so thinking of going to China to enroll in a private school. I am pretty keen on Wuxi in Jiangsu province but having a hard time finding information about private Mandarin schools online. Does anyone have an recommendations? I would like a school where I can be a bit flexible in setting up my timetable and classes as I would like to have a bit of time off to travel around China as well.

What exactly does it mean when a Broker calls and says this is a Broker call At a real Estate office?

I am a Saturday receptionist at a real estate office and often I get " This is a broker call" I mean I sort of understand but sometimes I get stuck. What are they asking for exactly?

What to do.. I hate my life so much..?

This all sounds very made up, but if it isn't then it is time for you find another place to live. Maybe you can move in with friends or relatives. You're 17 and it's time to leave home since home is so unstable. Find a safe place to live and continue your studies.

I ate some mozzarella cheese that smelled horrible but it wasnt expired? am i okay?

i was making hamburger helper and sprinkled some mozzarella cheese on top only to discover later that it smelled horrible, but it isnt expired. Has it gone bad? what will happen to me?

Easy packed lunches for eating on the run at uni?

I'm in my 2nd year at uni, and my timetable is pretty tight. i don't have time to sit and eat lunch, so i eat it on the run between lectures etc. hence microwaves and uni kitchens are out of the question. i only ever buy lunch occasionally as a treat, just to save money. What are some easy things that i can take to uni for lunch? I'm really over taking sandwiches and rolls... unless anyone has any new and fresh ideas on sandwich fillings. thanks!

How do I counteract negative lies in a community where I know no one?

We moved to a community and the real estate broker cheated us. When I told her that I knew what she had done, she sought and continues to tell people I've complained about them and said untrue things about them. It's reached a point where people believe they horrid things they've heard about me that are completely untrue AND that I could/would never do. Because the community doesn't know me at all, they believe it. And my reputation, courtesy of the cheat r.e. broker, precedes me so I don't ever stand a chance in the community. I have no concrete evidence to go against her legally. Even people who know how devious she is, believes the things about me because they've spread to other folks who gossip.

Really, what should i do... its bothering me..?

ok so i have a friend (met in grade 8) now still is (shes atheist) (we've been friends for 4 yrs).. but theres also another new friend whose really close to my friend(b4''she'' came.. me and my friend were really close..same class.. go shopping etc. pretty close friends too) ..its like everyday well its summer... but during school weeks and stuff, they're holding hands. its bothering me cuz that friend (new one).. i discovered that shes really clingy to my best friend and always wanted to hold her hands.. everytime i see them they hold hand and talk and they're having fun.. but me.. i feel really awkward.. btw.. they're my friends too but i dont know wat to do.. if i say something they'll ignore me.. its bothering me for a week now... personally, the other friend.. i respect her but i dont like her... should i stick to other friends beside them and ignore them... im scared that they'll do something... also the new friend and i..we're both christians but she always hold and hugs my best friend and they're sort of forgetting about me.. they always sit together in front of my face >.

How to afford living at univeristy when most my maintenance loan goes on rent?

You might not want to get a job but the majority of students have to & looks like you'll be one of them. I've no doubt your course is a lot of work but as a student nurse, so is mine & if I can juggle uni, 22.5 hours of clinical placements, raising two kids & a job then I'm sure you'll be able to manage to squeeze a part-time job into your life. Welcome to the real world, it costs money.

ONLINE STOCK TRADE COMPANIES which one do you recommend?

Optionhouse charges $4 tradeking charges $5 are the tools from tradeking better? is it worth it which one is better. Is there any other cheaper online broker you can recommend I cant pay 10 for Etrade

What is the secret behind the triangle bermuda?

I want to know more about triangle bermuda, the first time it discovered, who discovered, the risks that have met it by the people want to know more about it?.

What is the best indie band?

recently I discovered Indie music, love noah and the whale, band of horses - what else is there worth listening to in this area of music?

My 13 year old just can't memorize timetables?

I had the same problem in the 5th and 6th grade. When a teacher took an interest in me a Mr. Clark, I could not remember them to save my life then he made me make cutout cards and practice practice and practice however he used something I was interested in to help me remember, it was embarrassing saying them in front of the class and forget them. He taught me to remember the ones I could remember then add to get the right answer. As far as a long term problem, my math was always poor but gradually got interested in computers and prime numbers now I can add trillions or billions in mt head without thinking about it, something clicked and can deal with large numbers now, still have problems with multiplication tables and use a Calculator to do times table but still can beat anyone at adding or subtracting trillions and billions and how much memory is on a disk off the top of my head. So is it a problem? no I have a Calculator and I believe that some of the things they teach you in school is just taking up brain space, I can speak three languages and believe it was from not stuffing my brain with all the crap they teach you in school. I also found out if I am interested in something I can learn it faster and keep it in my head much longer now. I also found out if I had to remember something quickly that I don't care for I can't remember it to save my life. I know this is not much help but wanted to let you know it's not uncommon.

What are good hiding places for diaries?

Ok so I have to hide my diaries in more secure locations. Currently, I have one under my mattress, and the other is in an ed hardy perfume box. The perfume is in a plastic molding so there is space underneath it. I feel like it may be found since my mom is home all day and I have found that she looks through my things. If anyone ever read my diaries, they would never speak to me again, I will be sent back to anger management, therapy, and counseling. I will be sent to a psychiatric ward. There is serious stuff in there and secrets that noone can ever discover. So what sre some good hiding place? List more than one. And please nothing crazy, like in the vent or in a wall. I need it in my house and room preferably. Thanks.

How should i ignore my problems so that i could concentrate in studies ?

Problems are part of human life. Just see if it can be solved with ur participation. If not just leave it. Make up ur mind. It depends on u. Hv patience cz bad times get over

If you're approved for an apartment, are you expected to take it?

I was approved for a one year lease on an apartment I really love. It was a little bigger than I need, and a little out of my price range, but I thought I might be able to meet customers there and do away with my office in midtown. From talking to my customers, though, this won't work. I haven't committed to it yet, but is it considered bad to request another, lower-priced apartment that the same broker showed me? Will I get the stinkeye?

What is the best (water-based) Leave-In Conditioner for African-American Natural Hair?

I already use Cantu Shea Butter leave in but I discovered that even that renowned leave in for Naturals has lanolin in it, which I was told that wasn't a good ingredient also and should be avoided. I would like to use a real, natural leave-in to out into my natural hair as it is very delicate and fine. There doesn't seem to be a leave in without all the unnecessary chemicals and artificial fillers... I looked up so many and most are just not good in the long run for many others.

How to start working as mortgage broker?

I just got graduated and I would love to start working as independat mortgage broker, but seems to me that is very complicated. I just wondering, if someone needs any assistant or could help me how to start working as mortgage broker?

What is a good forex trading broker?

I have been researching and learning about forex for about 6 years now. I really have not traded on a live platform, but have always used the "trial practice" ones. I always hear about how it is much easier to make money in practice mode (no glitches like the live versions etc) and that some brokers may cheat you on some trades??? It may just be angry customers? Just looking for a good broker out there to start off trading. Good overall is what I am looking for. Let me know what you guys use! And your experiences! Thanks

I hate how I like him so much to the point that it hurts but he just GETS OVER IT just like that?

hi im a guy and it sounds like that he still liked you but because you didn't show any interest in him he decided to just stay friends but when you sent to rose that gave him the idea of 3 things she did it as a good friend thing (with ive seen happen) or he went she is flirting with me or even ha didn't even know what it was for and went to sit next to you to find out.i guess that would have been the time to tell him. so just tell him if he likes you take it from there and if he doesn't it will be easier to get over him. oh by the way don't cry im shore hill say yes you sound nice :)

How do you become an estate broker?

How do you become an estate broker when a person passes away and the contents of their home contents is unclaimed?

Help with a boarding school story please?

Maybe instead of it being a normal boarding school, make it for witches or psychics and they go there thinking they're going to train their powers but the professors (think of an evil sounding name for them as a group) want to use them to fight against humans and repopulate the earth with superior beings. Just a thought, change what you want, use it exactly, or disregard it. It's all up to you :) Good luck!

My school are going to allow parents to view my attendence, and timetable online in a portal...I don't want it?

is it against the Data Protection Act 1998 as they do not have my consent to share the information and the fact they did it without my permission

Was Moses the first person to discover weed?

Bible says that Moses went way up to Mt Sinai where he discovered a mysterious burning bush which took him higher.

Getting better with girls ? ?

Ok so i am an average teen just finished all my exams and about to go college in England and before i go there I wont to get better with girls, the thing is I am not bad with girls just once i discover they have some sort of an attraction to me I become a wimp and just forget everything and can't seem to talk to them, one on one i am ok but when in with a group of friends there is bearly any contact at all, you might find it pathetic but it is a serious issue for me and I don't know what to do ? And no affence to men but I think this would be better awnsered by a woman :)

How to come out of it??????

actually i gotta some problems.... i knew allah(swt) can alone solve my problems but jus by telling that i dont wanna sit idle. as of now i do my salats and read some surahs frm quran. but i actually wanna do something i mean i want to be more invloved in remembering allah(swt) in the form of reading quran. but i am very much confused what shlould i read?. i mean i want to have some sort of timetable where i can stick on it. so that i forget my problem and be more dedicated to allah(swt). many say we can read the whole quran its a good remedy but sometimes i mean so lazy i stick on to 1 surah like yaseen and i start reading only that i don knw how far its better but.. i NEED A TIMETABLE WHICH COMBIINES OF ALL MOST AL SURAHS WHERE DAY AND NIGHT I WANT TO BE WITH QURAN ONLY hope so i made it clear so pls some1 guide me with a frame plssssssssssss

Real Estate Broker Tips?

I know a real estate broker in Texas(In and around the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex) who hasn't been doing very well in his business. He is very hard-working and sincere, but somethings obviously missing because he isn't doing too well as far as getting strong leads or closings. Many that come to him just drag him along and leave, citing some gibberish about continuing the house search at a later time. Anyway, i guess my question is what are some ways in which i can help him improve his business? I know he doesnt have a website of his own..but does having a dedicated website really help(considering the cost of upkeep)? and what kind of content/database/links does it have to have on there to make it an effective/attractive tool for a customer? and what else can be done, so that he can get really noticed in the real estate market and get busy with what i know he can do well, if he just gets a little headstart/push in the right direction..?

Why does my boyfriend have a secret friend who is a girl?

I have been with my live in boyfriend for 7 years, up until 5 months ago , we had a great relationship. I trusted him with my life. He treated me good, spent most of his spare time with me, didn't lie, and was the best person I had in my life. But recently I have discovered he has been lying to me about this girl who is a "friend" . Now i'm not crazy he can have friends. But this girl I did not know about. I figured something was up when he started staying out later than normal, not picking up phone when I called, ignoring my texts...etc.I just had this really bad feeling. I found them in a car one night, and I basically lost it. Everything started to make sense. And it all came to me as soon as I saw her. He swears they are just friends and they were just hanging out....this was very late at night when he should have been home sleeping. He told me in the past he just talks to girls at work but never hangs out with any girls alone. Which I believed. After that night I chose to give him a change to prove to me I can still trust him. A week only a week past and I asked him if he had any contact with this girl, he said no, they are not friends anymore after that night I found them and I freaked out. I found them together again a week later. I have also discovered they have been hanging out for months. I'm confused because when he tells me he loves me and wants to marry me and have kids with me, I believe him. I've devoted 7 years of my life to this man, he is the only bf I've ever had. and I love him with everything I have. He swears that nothing has ever happened with her and that he would never cheat on me, he wouldn't want to risk losing everything we have together.Am I just being paranoid or is my sudden untrust valid?

Why wont my bluetooth adapter connect to my phone or headset.?

My buddy gave me an EDR Class 1 bluetooth adapter a few months ago, and i just now got to try it. i hooked it up, installed the onboard drivers, and it said it was functioning. well i tried to connect my emerson headset, using windows to discover devices, and it wouldnt find it. when scanning with my enV Touch, i found it, but it wont connect.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If you were me would you bother confronting this jerk?

I have a friend who I recently discovered is not a real friend at all. Its a long story, but for starters he has sabatoged a past court case of mine. He is gay and did not want the "man" to get into trouble. (the man did sexual assault) Also he has told many stories and lies, never stays consistent. and he has stopped calling me, avoids calls, makes excuses. and he has done some pretty crazy things to me. When I tried to confront him on how he has said certain things, he of course either changes his story, or forgets his lies all together!. When he heard I was going to charge someone with sexual assault and Sue a School, he made a comment that a "dyke" was charging him with sexual assault and he had to go to court, so couldn't spend the day with me. way later, he changed the story..he lied, he was just mad and said that cause of the man i was going to charge. I didn't end up pursuing the case, my so called friend was also a witness and he basically messed up my whole case..and took off afterwards. I dropped the case against the school. he also has done some pretty nasty things. I mentioned a job i wanted to apply for, he ran and tried to get my job!. And he only calls if he needs something. theres alot more to this, but its too long a story. Basically if you had a freind who was making subtle hints at you, then later denying what he had said, even pathologising you..etc never staying consistent and forgetting his lies. Is it worth confronting this jerk? Or would you just move along. I want some advice this is bothering me alot.?


Well my parents are Catholic. I rarely, well lets say never go to church. I never read the bible, rarely think of God. I want to read more about Jesus and what the bible states, as I'm not to familiar with it. Can you tell me where I can get a good one, that has everything in it? Online? How much do you think they cost? I feel like I have been selfish these past years, not thinking about god, just life. Have you guys heard about those Russian Scientists who went to Siberia and they discovered the sounds of hell, when they put a microphone down in earth and then it was melted in less than 19 seconds? That is scary! I also read about another statement of a doctor, he was an atheist and he said he revived a patient from death. When he did that, he said he wasn't a believer and the patient was screaming "Save me from hell, pray for me" Doctor: "I'm not because I'm a doctor, not a priest!" Nurse looks at him, Doctor does a prayer to keep the patient and the nurse of his back. The guy starts screaming " Save me Jesus," He does. I think it's real, god and the devil. I saw the devil once, AND I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY, THAT I'M CRAZY, BECAUSE I'm NOT! The reason why I saw him was because I told my mom to **** off, I was so mad that night! I went into my brother's room and the lights were turned off, and the room pitch dark. My brother, or so called devil, or demon was laying on the bed. I could tell there was something wrong because his skin was sooooooooooooooooooo red, I've never have seen a red like that before. I couldn't see my brother's face because his face was on the pillow. I was going to give him a kiss, but instead I turned on the lights. When I did that, there was no one in the room! I ran out screaming, almost crying. Also, I played the ouja bored once, and i can tell you that it works as well. There was stuff that just started happening, noises, in the kitchen WHEN NO ONE WAS THERE! It was a full moon, I did research because I was so curious to see if it worked. If you play on a full moon it's said that all the spirits are out wandering around, if u light a wax candle it makes it even better. I couldn't sleep at night, I was scarred as hell! The worst incident that happened was when I feel asleep, I felt half asleep and I could see my surrounding, WEIRD, anyways I saw something and I could feel a presence coming towards me fast as hell. I couldn't move and I knew it was going to jump on me whatever it was, I SCREAMED SO LOUD THAT I WOKE UP EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE. My dad and everyone where surrounding me and shaking me, it took me a couple of seconds, or minutes to wake up and realize that they were around me. I will never play that game again! I believe in ghosts, devil, got. Science only goes so far and then comes god!

Is there a staff bus to alton towers?

Wondered if there is a staff bus service to alton towers,where it goes from and through and what the timetable for this service is.

I have lost interest in school.?

Well..what is it that you want to learn about? What are your interest..what is distracting you? Your mom isn't going to want to hear it,so you might just want to say mom I screwed up this term but I'm asking for extra credit and tutors from the classes...start with the work you don't like/understand first..if your teacher has after hours for tutoring go to it and ask for help,they will help you if you are willing to help yourself. Studying tips depend on the person. Me personally,I can only study while snacking and making rhymes and things to associate with so I can remember....

Does it mean that he didn't actually have feelings for me if he gave up this easily?

I am feeling very insecure.. over a guy. He used to show interest for about a year and I liked him too, but never showed it cos I'm shy, so the next year he stopped showing it and started to ignore me. (He's not shy.) Start of this year when my timetable was being passed around he just kept his head down and wouldn't pass it on. :( I sent him a rose this year (school organized that you could send one to someone) but I guess I gave him mixed signals the next day. He tried to get a seat next to me in a very full room the next morning (but the girls wouldn't move along a seat) and I ignored him when he stared at me... but I'm just shy! (Btw, did those signs of his indicate interest?) From the very next day onwards he just ignored me and now when we walk past each other he'll either stare straight ahead, look away or down or not notice me.. so I guess he's over it? I know it was wrong to ignore him but if after one day he starts to ignore me, then doesn't that mean he wasn't really interested? I feel like crying all the time. Help if you could? Please?!

I have some itchy red spots on the soles of my feet.What can I do about it?

And I want to know what are they and the cause of it. Sometimes, my hand have them too but disappear after a while. My feet also Sweats quite a lot and I mostly discovered them after taking off my socks. 10 points for the best answer and I need to know what to do if u have some ideas. This is quite urgent as they itch a lot. Thanks!!!

He used me and I am so upset. How can I move on?

I dated a guy I worked with for a few months to discover that he had a girlfriend. I knew something wasnt right the entire time. Everytime I tried to express my feelings about the situation while we were dating but he woould always tell me not to worry, he liked me A LOT. I just knew something wasnt right. In the end he said I was childish, he never wanted to date me because I was crazy and that I needed to get things right in my head before I could ever be with anyone. After he said those things he wouldnt let me say how i felt. Its been a month now and he has started to flirt with me again. I dont reciprocate but it upsets me. How can i move on?

Pregnant cat with worms question?

I have a cat and she is pregnant. She is about 6 weeks along. Just discovered today that she has tapeworms. Made her a vet appt. but it's not til next week. Does anyone know how the tapeworms could affect the growing kittens inside of her? Or if the tapeworms are going to take away food from them?

Changing Subjects?????????

Ok I got my new timetable for High Sch,ool, I was looking forward to it on Monday, but I took BAD stomach ache and got sent home. I have been off this whole week with it and now its almost gone; I'm worried now about the subjects. I don't know where to go; I don't know my teachers; I don't know who's in my class. I'm dreading this and I am worried sick. I start crying and shaking. I am worried I'll get into trouble for not going to the right classes... What should I do?????

People say I have a problem, do I?

Your whole comment was just talking about yourself. You need to get some other focus that bridges connections with your world and your life will be much more rewarding.

I want to know more about skysquare soccer camp?

I am seeing some traces of scam in it, I sent a mail where i asked questions and also some other few things was noticed by me. I discovered that the mail id on their site is different from their admin mail used to contact me. The account provided Via mail for payment to be specific was Liberty Account and it was not listed on the official site. I think their is something wrong. I will like to have more clear picture and if possible more facts or reports about them in the past.

Camera dilemma - it's silly, but...?

I decided to get the SX210IS awhile ago, and started saving. Then I discovered the SX220HS and SX230HS, with better features, and I decided they might work better for me. But I still can't get over the beautiful gold color and better shape and layout of the 210... I really love it and I don't know if I can get the 220 now, even with better features! Is it worth it? What should I do?

Should I learn Chinese or Japanese history?

I like more Japan than China, the country is more beautiful than China and the culture is easier to understand than the chinese one, I have heard that Japan is an extension from China.

What would you do? I need answers.?

seek God. open a Bible. pray hard. be willing to do what God wants you to do. God is all wise and all knowing. pour your heart out to Him. first praise God, then turn from your sins, then pray for the whole situation and then for yourself. you have to be willing though to do WHATEVER God tells you to do. He loves you and you were created to bring glory to Him. seek Him. love Him with all you heart. let Him take over your life and let Him be your everything. :)

Asking my realtor to reduce fees to close sale - how likely is it they will they agree?

Depends upon how hungry they are. You can only ask. On a half million dollar plus sale, I can't imagine them losing out on $26,000 in commissions over $4,000. $22,000 is certainly a lot better than $0.

My friend wants me to skip school with her, but I don't want to?

I say tell your friend you really adore her but your education comes first. If she really want to hang out and go shopping why not go on the weekend? Peer pressure is always tough when you are in school, but just stick to what you feel is best for you. You said you don't want to go nor do you want to mess up in school, so just tell her no. A real friend will understand. I hope this helps!

My girlfriend has started texting another guy?

My girlfriend of almost a year has started texting this other guy. I've never known her to texting him before but in the last 3 weeks she is texting him all the time while i'm with her. She hides her phone whilst she texts and deletes messages fairly regular so getting a quick look is often difficult. I dont even want to inspect her phone cause i want to be able to carry on trusting her as i do but this is really getting me down. When i ask who she is texting she says oh my friend and i've asked why she has just started texting all the time and she just says he texts me. They call each other up a few times a day and her phone rings alot while i'm with her and she walks in another room or just doesnt answer it. He lives 10 miles away and neither of them drive but the other day she opened her diary and out fell a train timetable for guess where? The place where he lives. She said she just picked it up cause she went for a walk in the bus station during her lunch break from work. Thanks for taking time to read.

How to buy stocks w/o a broker?

Lord has the right answer. Unless you work for a corporation with a direct purchase plan, what you want is a huge mistake in your thinking. Trade commissions are peanuts and like the guy said, if that's a big deal to you then you are buying the wrong stock and/or trading far more often than you should. Commissions are tax deductions anyway. And only a broker will give you liquidity to get in and out as fast as you can place the order. Getting out of direct purchase and reinvestment plans can take weeks. First they need to convert the share, which is non-certificate form, to certificate form in your name. Then after you receive the certificate, you need to have it converted to street name by a broker so he can sell it. But you don't have broker. Any bells ringing yet?

I have win 7 security 2012 on my computer?

I some how got win 7 security on my computer. It wouldn't let me open anything on my computer. I did some research and found out it was a scam. Tried following instructions to remove it without success. So, I discovered a registration code that worked and everything is running fine. I tricked it into thinking I bought he stupid thing. My question is now that I have this program and my computer is running normal, should I leave it on there or remove it. If I should remove it, how do I do so. I've tried several different programs that say they remove it and either don't work or I have to pay for it. When I go to my computer to uninstall programs it isn't''t even listed there...

How do I handle this effectively?

For some unknown odd reason she is just plain jealous of you. Everything you've stated are pure signs of being jealous of another person. It also shows a sign of weakness & selfishness. You've given her absolutely NO reason to feel this way about you, this she's taken on herself for some unknown reason. Your parents never favored either one of you over the other, that can't be her reason! She also has an inferior complex about herself. ALL these things are of her own doing, you can take NO blame whatsoever for her personality traits. If this is the way she's going to continue to react to you, & I don't foresee it changing. I would instead just start to pull yourself away from her. If she doesn't choose to email you other than make the remarks she makes, I would stop emailing her altogether. See IF just maybe not hearing from you may start to make her think of how she's treated you all these yrs. growing up. Let her do some soul searching about herself. Let her see how it feels to be neglected. It just may be a good reason to finally bring things to the surface with her. You sure wouldn't be doing anything against her or anything hurting to her. Put this distance between the two of you, see if maybe in the long run it just may bring you closer & turn out to be a positive happening. Give her time & space & see how she reacts to you. I feel you have nothing to loose, possibly a lot to gain...the best to you, honey...:)

Teen i have a lump on my left boob!!?

i just discovered this today, a lump on my left boob and it hurts. im in my period right now too and im only 14. could this be breast cancer???!?!??! im freakin out right nowwww!!

Global Venture Financing (GVF) Forex Broker?

Anybody know of this company? I heard it is a US company based in Europe? Can anybody tell me more about this website? why does it need login?

Second chapter of my novel?

I didn't read your first chapter, but if you really want to publish a series of chapters, you should go on online websites lke booksie....I think.

Wanting to invest, but not sure about 2 things...?

Always, ALWAYS get rid of debt like credit cards first before you send any money away for investing. Otherwise it's like swimming with a cement block around your neck.

There are eight examinations, 6 different subjects, 2 math, how many ways if math tests aren't consecutive?

At the end of the semester, Alice had to complete eight examinations. Six of them were in different subjects, but the other two were both mathematics exams. In how many ways could the examination timetable have been written given that the two mathematics exams were not consecutive? 4possible answers: 30,240; 35,280; 38,880; 9,360 - is this combinations? Permutations? How do you deal with the non-consecutive requirement for the 2 math tests?

Where can i find a food timetable....?

my husband needs variety of food.. he likes both north Indian and south Indian dishes.. am a working women.. so wanna have fast cooking dishes.. am in the process of making a week schedule.. timetable... so as what to cook ... pls help.. we have 3 meals a day and 2 snacks... is there any websites which have such a timetable...

Just discovered mold in my basement apartment, green and white and fluffy?

I was away from home for a couple of weeks, and when I came home today I walked into a very smelly, damp feeling apartment. I've only lived here since March, but since the weather has warmed up I did notice it was very cool and damp all the time - I was kind of relieved with the cool air, didn't need to buy an air conditioner, but the dampness concerned me a bit. Anyway, after cleaning almost everything in my apartment, it still smelled very strongly, kind of like sewage but more just like something rotten. I looked around and came across a big patch of green mold in my bedroom, just above the baseboards, and it looked like it was growing down under the carpet and smelled awful. I'm staying at my boyfriends now and took my pets with me, but I'm feeling really off, like nauseous and really tired with a headache. Is this serious or should I just wait it out? Thanks in advance.

MCZ: stock advice. Handling good news?

Their earnings call was at 5:00 and the stock is getting creamed after hours (at 5:20) down 0.12 so people apparently didn't like the quality of those numbes or some guidance about future numbers.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Not excited about being a new mommy yet :(?

Im 20 almost 21 and I am 7 months pregnant, Im a military wife and have been with my husband for 6 years and married for almost 2 now. We have an absolulty amazing relationship. But, we had to leave our small little home town on the east coast all the way to the west coast because of his career. I had no problem moving except for the fact we both come from 2 Large familys were very close to (especially me) and We had no one not even friends here. Two weeks after moving here I found out i was pregnant and due in September...... my husband couldnt be more excited for our daughter to join the world but me on the other hand i just cant find the happiness....... I love her because i couldnt even begin to hate her and she's an innocent little baby but im not excited about being a mother and i havent been since day one. I know its our fault because we had sex, and i dont regret her but i just know i wasnt ready to sacrafice. I will without a doubt just suck it up but I hate being the only one of the 8 pregnant mothers here where we are that isnt blooming with that joy of mommyhood. How on earth am i supposed to get excited over it? Is it normal? My mother told me she was skeptical when she found out she was pregnant for the first time too but as soon as she heard the first cry of her little one she died of joy inside........ but i should be happy because it was next on our list of life..... my mom was 15 unmarried and broker than broke. Im just worried this feeling wont change because i know how I react and think and i want my daughter to have an excellent life and know she's loved.

Time Managing school and extra-circulars?

So i need help, I am in grade 11 going to grade 12, and i need help on time management. i am always on the computer and i need to stop. I get so lazy when i get home. I have a piano exam coming up and i didn't memorize anything. and i have school work, that i need to do. I don't how to manage it. how do i start. what to do. i need someone to help me make a timetable. i get home around 3-4 pm and then i don't know what to do, cause they tv and internet distracts me so much. help. thanks.

What do i do if I have spelled my name wrong all my life?

My name is Cristal. But i recently discovered that my birth certificate name is spelled Crystal and not Cristal. My school knows me as Cristal and my SSN has Crystal and all my school information and AP Scores, ACT and SAT has Cristal Because i have spelled it like that my whole life. What do i do and should i be worried?

So the double standard Republicans see is Weiner vs gov Sanford?

''All weimer did was post sexy pics'' Well first that would be your opinion that they were indeed sexy and there is that little matter of lying about it on national T V for days and letting another man be blamed for hacking his account

I ignored him the next day but ONLY cause I'm shy! Now he ignores me...?!?

He's probably just hurt or embarrassed that you didn't show the reactions he wanted to see at first. I've been there, done that before so you don't have to worry much. It seems like you guys have some sort of silent connection between each other so it shouldn't be that hard to talk to him one on one. Just pull him aside one day and start talking. Just start over from scratch, introduce yourself properly and just start off as friends. His feeling towards you should change in no time.

Cabal account recovery help?

Ok so 2 years ago my PC broke and i wasn't able get on cabal i now have a PC but cant access my cabal so i made a new one with the same email thinking that i had just forgotten my account details but just discovered there was some crazy stuff happening cause cabal left OG Planet and i want to know how can i recover my old account or at least a character. please help!

What would you do if you realtor?

Ok..I am trying to purchase my first home. My mortgage broker who was able to get me pre-approved for the home loan is also my realtor. We were scheduled to see 3 homes on Saturday morning (of Memorial Weekend). I was really interested in these homes! Then Friday night around 9pm he texts me and tells me all homes were sold so we had to cancelled the appts on Saturday Morning. I was thinking oh wow I really liked the homes! Then Tuesday after Memorial Day i checked the MLS and saw the 3 houses still appeared as 'active'. I was like oh wow I thought they were already sold. Then I got suspicious since my husband kept telling me that he probably just cancelled because he realized it was a long weekend and wanted to party and decided to call the properties. Sure enough all the properties were still available and are still available to take offers. What should I do? Should I confront my realtor? Iam really disappointed about this..because it is my future that he is playing for.. I am trying to purchase my first home so that I can start building a family and start having kids...The only issue is that since he is also my mortgage broker he was able to get me good amount of pre-approved $ more than all previous lenders I have spoke with and thats why I dont know what to do. If I fire my Realtor then I will also be firing my Mortgage Broker and that means I am without the loan...Help? Please?

Is my Book Concept Solid? Would You Want to Read it?

I liked it until you said it was about pirates. After reading the plot I was less than enthusiastic. It's a good plot, but I was prepped for something in a completely different direction. I don't see how the protagonist is suffering from lack of freedom, it sounds more like he's just going on an adventure at sea and that there are bad guys waiting for him back on land. So, although you're story sounds good, it just wasn't what I was anticipating.


I am considered a bit of a geek in school - getting lots of awards and stuff - but I'm really not that bad...:) Ever since the Christmas holidays ended though,my standards have been slipping and right now, at the end of year 8 before GCSEs, that is not good!!!!I have a rocks project and end of year exam for science, HUGE project for art, transitional high school tests for english, math and french and to top it all off other homeworks aswell! I'm really stressed out and want to do well in high school but then again I just want to relax and cool off. Any tips on how to organise myself - you would not believe the amount of timetables and diaries I have so just and other ways of structure PLEASE!!!!

How to afford living at univeristy when most my maintenance loan goes on rent?

I know it is a lot of work but if you are struggling for money unfortunately you will need to get a job - even if you did 15 hours a week this would give you food and spending money.

When is it possible to change a school subject?

Ask about changing it now because if you wait till later then the class could be filled. Doing so now will give the opportunity to see which class is best for you to take along with selecting another class if need be early on. Hope things pan out for you.

Has anyone ever had a vehicle shipped that could give me some advice?

I am looking to have a car shipped from pa to in and am having some difficulty determining which companies are reliable brokers. I have reviewed also the better business bureau. There are so many companies and so many scams. How do I find a broker that won't rip me off?

My laptop screen loads the Dell logo screen and then stays black?

When you start your computer, wait until there is a screen with options in the corner. It says things like press F1 for... or press F2 for...etc. Click the corresponding key for "System Restore" or something like that. Restore the system to an earlier date where it was working. Hope that helps!

Why is Othello ready to accept the accusation of adultery?

Why Othello is so ready to accept the accusation of adultery against Desdemona, especially since there would be little or no opportunity for it to actually happen, given the timetable of events?

Are logic laws eternally correct?

Logic is just a human-created system. It is flawless within our level of understanding, but once we advance beyond our current level of understanding, the "laws" of logic will no longer apply as we understand them.

What is the best way to get from Nice, France to Turin, Italy via train?

Seems like this is pretty easy, but I'm not having much luck finding timetables online to plan things out.


I really want to get A*'s in my GCSE (exams), my mother is sick, my father is at work all day...I take care of MYSELF literally. I live with my bro and my 2 younger sis. I'm in charge of the house and everything I can't handle it anymore...I'm so stressed out, my exams are next week literally. I'm in year 10! And I want to pass with A's to make my family proud....I revise hard, I try hard in school yet I need that something which will boost me up to A's because right now I am a B/C student. Please help, any ideas on how to get A's in my exams....I have just three days left to prepare until my FIRST exam...urgh I feel so stupid, I always start to cry and feel so incapable. My mind tells me that I am capable but I just need help...please help me! What do I do? I revise a LOT. I revise and concetrate in class, but I can't seem to get A's Or A*'s, I use up half of my day praying for my mum, looking after my baby cousin (her mum is also in a weak condition), I run up and down the stairs cleaning the rooms to please my mum, I pick up the mess when my 14 and 12 year old sisters just throw chocolate wrappers and stuff on the floor, I mop and brush the floor , I go and put my brother's back and shoes, and sort his bag out according to his college timetable, I do all this and i'm younger than him! It's just that hes such a lazy bum, but I respect him alot, I respect my family and I believe hard work goes on to success. The dinner (my grandma makes and gets my cousins to deliver it to our house) then I do the washing up,drop my baby cousin off home...and then after everything is done my dad comes home from work...and I have to carry his suitcase all the way to his room upstairs, and THEN I get my free revision time! What do I do!! I'm so depressed :'(.

Is a bamboo tablet as good as the intuos.4?

Ok, so for years I have loved to draw, sketch, and now i've been thinking about painting! but painting can be very expensive with buying paint canvasses, and such. A few months ago I discovered Concept art, and I am absolutely blown away by the creative arts of concept art, and I want to be able to do what concept artists do. After much investigation I learnt that concept artists today use computer art software (like paint but 100x's more in depth) and they use tablets to paint on the computer software. So I am trying to find a good tablet, not to expensive, but has good sensitivity specs for painting, drawing, etc. Anyone out there who is in concept art, uses a tablet, or have any good insight for me would be greatly appretiated!

Do you think that my school is being fair?

Definitely - that sounds really unfair! Could you get your parents to write to the school and complain? Or just only come in for exams? Wow I'd hate that! :S poor you :(

Who are the hottest anime guys and anime couplesIdo you agree with me?)?

I haven't seen much anime but I do agree with the ones that I recognize. But you've forgotten Inuyasha x Kagome and (my personal favourite) Kyon x Haruhi.

I love my husband, but? (Long question, 10 points to best answer)?

I only read the first sentence of this because I wanted to make sure this wasn't my wife posting this question.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can you ask for a later closing date?

Absolutely. Your broker just has to prepare an amendment to the purchase agreement. Don't let his desire to get paid put stress on your financial situation. Good luck.

I bought a home over a year and a half ago that was advertised as City Sewer but in fact has a Septic tank.?

The previous owner lived there for fifteen years and rented it out. I recently spoke to the neighbors who told me that they have been having problems with the septic tank for years and many people that had rented the home complained about it flooding, so the owner had to have known it was not city sewer. I found out that I was not on city sewer due to a back up that cost $6000. I have been getting quotes to hook up and will cost nearly $10,000. this includes breaking up patio and sidewalk and replacing it, which needs to happen in order to get the pipes to the road. I still have the MLS paperwork that states City Sewer. I contacted the real estate broker that sold us the house and am waiting on him now. What are the chances that they repay the cost of damage and pay to hook us up to city sewer?

Angry and sad lesbian needs help?

I discovered my sexuality about a year ago after looking back over all the signs and realizing that I wanted a gf and not a bf. My self esteem has been very low for several years. My friends try to help but we've never been very close so I don't feel that I can talk to them. I am a really sad person inside but on the outiside I look like an angry lesbian. But I AM angry. I'm angry about god making my gay. I'm angry that I can't find a partner. I'm angry because people who don't even know me put me down. I'm angry over an ex boyfriend telling everyone he "made me a lesbian". I'm angry, and I'm hurt and I'm sad and I don;t know how to get out.

My maths teacher picks on me and I'm so upset at him.?

Okaay so first i'll start I'm in Australia and in year 8 on week a of my timetable I have 3 lessons of maths a day, and on week b I have 4. 2 of these lessons on each week is on the same day so this is 2 days of maths in week a and 3 days of maths in week b . So on week a I had the wednesday and friday off and they were the days we have maths I had them off cause I was on my period and I have EXTREMELY BAD PERIOD PAINS . I can't do anything. So I didn't go on wednesday cause they were bad and then I woke up okay on thursday so I went but after an hour at school they came back really bad but I stuck it out cause my mum couldn't pick me up but I was crying in class and at lunch and couldn't go to sickbay cause we have a policy at our school go to sickbay = get picked up. So then I didn't go on friday. I try taking tablets and using water bottles but I swear they do not work ! My mother and grandmother was the same they had really bad pains and they couldn't do nothing. Anyways then on week b the next lesson of maths I came late cause I had a dentist appointment (If i didn't go to this one I would of had to wait 2 weeks and I needed to go) and I came for 30 mins of the lesson. Then on friday we had maths we had a test and I had no idea about it, and neither did my friend cause shes been away but she was away cause she didnt wanna go to maths (everyone hates him) and before the test we went and told him and he told her to do a revision task but I still had to do the test . I did what I could but he said we could put out hands up if we didn't understand so I did then he started yelling at me saying I was away for 20 lessons ( 10 lessons a week) and I told him I was sick I didn't wanna say I had my period and he said I needed a medical certificate I can't get one for that! and then he said my mum and dad should I took me to the doctor and I lost it cause my dad died and I was just having a bad day so I walked out. He says I talk in class and need to stay focused but I don't talk that much I talk when we are doing the set work and his doing his own thing (not when his explaining ) and its not a 20 minute conversation its a turn around quick joke thing. But he moves me and everyone else is talking. I've had enough I thought he liked me ? But lately his being really rude. I'm so mad at him.

Revision problemss :// help please?

I have a GCSE exam in physics and chemistry (year 10) coming up on the 17th , I can't revise for more than 30 mins without getting bored :/ but I need to start revising hardcore from now! , is their anyway which could help me? :/ like revision methods or even a revision timetable please ?? :)

Online stock brokers?

does anyone know any online stock broker that allows you to buy and sell stocks as much as you want in a day, I use Scottrade and every time I buy a stock I have to keep it for at least 3 days and then they allow me to sell it. I want to buy and sell stocks couple times a day, is there any online broker that doesn't have these restrictions?

Anyone have a diet and exercise timetable that will help me loose 10 kg's in about 6 months?

All you need to do is burn an extra half a KG a week. That means you need to burn an additional 3850 calories a week or cut back on 550 calories a day.

HELP! I can't cope with my academic subjects.?

Think about what you want to be after school and where you want to go. This should motivate you and inspire you to do well in school. Think about the future. If you don't do well now, the future won't look any brighter for you. That should discourage you from slacking. Think about a role model who inspires you to be better everyday and do your best.

Where do you go when you die?

Where do you Go when you die?Before you answer this I have my own answer.First Off I deal with Facts and Science,Not stuff like preying to this God with Almighty powers that can Do anything blah blah.If there is a god There called Aliens,Many people Believe them selfs to be God.Dont think like this Almighty dude in heaven no!The Definition of God Is to build and Destroy thats Every man and female very good point.Alot of people is scared of Death......Epic fail First off theres no need to be scared because when it comes You really wont know so just live it up.Ok About Death....Scientist long Ago Discovered a Basic Fact you can never Fully kill Energy,Energy in humans is in the form of ATP molecules (adenosine triphosphate) Our spirit) is trapped inside our Body which is The prison once the Body Dies you move on (Reincarnation) your Born Again instantly Energy Dont just vanish.The Fact Remains You cant kill Energy....But Is it a fact of Reincarnation Of corse not Thats just a Opinion.Now the Question is Where Do you go when you Die?

Need people to play with?

not to be rude but this is not where you come to convince people to play with you this is where you ask questions

Should I change....? What should I do about him?

Omg! I am so sorry for what happened to you, all those guys are d***s and you deserve better but not all guys are like that, like the guy that you like - you say that you don't think he would hurt you - well then go out with him :) No your not a player, you can't chage the way you feel. Tell the guy what happened to you and he will understand and won't hurt you, just try to trust the guy but if he is a d*** then break it off. Good luck!

Home GCSE's ?? What do I do?

Today I found out if I got all of my options for GCSE's, and it turns out that I didn't get music as one of my subjects next year. I have been wanting to do music at my school since I started, but it isn't possible to change it, as it won't fit into my timetable. It doesn't relate to the job I want to do in anyway, but I really want to do it. My mum has said that if the school supports me, I could do it off my own back, in my own time, but I'm not sure if I will be able to handle it. Without it, I would still have 10 GCSEs and an addition maths (college level) qualification. I'm willing to work hard on it. I'm not sure what to do. Do you think that it will be worth the extra effort, and do you think that it will be too difficult? Any advice will be greatly appreciated :L

What do you do on induction days at school?

so yeah what do you do on the induction days for s5 i'm speaking about scotland only. apparently you get a timetable and go to different rooms, what do you do though? and it's for 2 days, do you do the same kind of things for two days? please help! note: i only put this question in this section so people would answer quicker! :)

What do big cat eat in a zoo?

Hello i love big cats i would like to know what they eat in zoos like what type of meat and vitamins sprinkled on it also how much they eat and what enrichment do they get. what will be great if you could give me like a timetable of what they eat.

Which road should i take for my future career path? 10 pnts.?

wow, your career ideas are all over the place. It's not just about the money you know. Maybe you should take a career aptitude test and see where your interests lie, then go from there.

What country song is about a woman finding the perfect man, which happens to be her dog?

It's a female singer. I thought it was Sara Evans, but I still can't find the song. It's about a man who doesn't do all of these irritating things that other men do, but we later discover that she's singing about her beloved dog. What song is it? And who sings it?

How would the difficulty level of the California Real Estate Brokers Exam Compare to the Sales personss Exam?

I don't know. However, if you are seriously concerned about its difficulty, you may want to consider a different career.

In England what is an A2 Exam? Is it just an A-Level?

Was on the AQA exam timetable, seems very confusing compared to the SQA exam timetable in Scotland where it's either Standard Grades, Intermediates or Highers.

I need to write up a timetable of events leading up to when my child day care centre opens up.?

im currently doin a child care course based on me running my own day care some day but im really stuck on what events i would have to put down on the count down to my opening! any ideas i would be really greatfull xx

Does "No Chance Without Jesus" understand the different between phenotype and genotype?

Are you kidding? That guy doesn't even understand that telling us we live on a "slag heap wallowing in sin" is not the best way to begin a dialogue.

Does anybody still listen to Skinny Puppy?

My favorite musical group. Just wanting to know if anybody still listens to them... well, that has the ability to answer this question, of course... I can't call myself a fan from beginning to end because I discovered them through one of my dad's old CDs. I'm only 16--I started listening to the older albums at age 13... but they are timeless.

How long is a temporary suspension on xbox live?

It's a 24 hour ban so it will end at 8:01 PM tomorrow. Censoring your words with asterisks does not keep you from getting banned.

How do I know if my guy friend is gay ?

Okay so , I've known this guy for 2 years now , we're both gonna be juniors in high school this fall . Anyways , when I first met him , he was super nice and (we met during cross country ) after a few weeks I discovered he didn't hang out with guys other than his younger brother . Then , freshmen year came and we kind of got out of touch since I didn't have any classes with him but I saw him everyday at practice and we'd talk and his voice was very soft and girlish ! There are also these popular girls on our team and they love teasing him , but he gets very shy and kind of avoids them or hides behind me . Sophomore year we had 4 classes together and he got mean but he would be sentimental at times and apologize . I realized he really enjoyed messing up guys' hairs and he acted kind of mousy around them . Keep in mind that he had several friends who were girls : me , J , J , and N . We were his "true " friends and he was pretty mean and abusive to us but he'd also be nice and show us his deep voice . I apologize for the lack or organization in this question but it's been on my mind for so long ! And , his cousin wants US to go to junior prom together ... I once asked him if we likes girls and he said no but during elementary school he liked his one girl but I don't know if he's lying or not . So , help please ? No trolls , thanks .

Do Mainstream Christians endorse same sex marriages?

No. They recognize them as impossible by definition. Check your dictionary. Besides, what difference would "endorsement" make? Do you really think that endorsing flying cows would enable cows to actually fly in any real sense? Or that rational people would accept the idea of flying cows just because they were "endorsed"??

How do I prepare my timetable being a student of class 10th ICSE board ?

Hi .. I'm a class 10th student .. my vacations are going on and just about a month is left for my school to reopen .. I want to study hard but when I sit to study I dont feel like doing it .. I get very confused which subject to begin with .. I'm also very confused about how to prepare my time table ... I have english, hindi,evironmenta ed.hist.civics, and arts as my subject .. i request you to pls help me by telling me the order according to which i should study .. pls tell me what my daily routine should be ... how many hours should i study and how to stop myself from getting distracted .. pls pls help me as soon s possible .. it would be great if you could help me out with a great study plan ... also tell me how much time should i devote to my subjects and different ways of learning then up .. increase my memory so that these subjects are all in my head by the time of my exams .. it would be of great help .. thankyou very much ! :).

Any website that legitimately predicts stock prices based on algorithms or something?

I am wondering if there is something out there whether it is a software or website that predicts based on algorithms or intelligent stock brokers whether something may rise or lower.

Am I liable for a cancellation fee of a listing agreement?

I did not read this word for word, but after the year was up, I would think you would be released from this obligation. Get an attorney to review your "listing agreement" and I suspect you are done with it.

If it's your husband who had the affair?

Is it normal for a mistress and the married man not be friends anymore once the affair is been discovered? And why?

Which girl should i go for?

Well this one girl and me have been hanging out and texting a lot and she told me that shed go out with me after a bit more time and getting to know her. a month ago i would have thought she was way out of my league tho so it's a little overwealming being with her. The other girl has been a friend of mine for a long time and i used to have a thing for her but shes been on and off with my best friend for a while but he doesnt care about her at all, so the only thing they do with each other is have sex, but she is getting tired of that and i discovered she likes me today and turned down another guy because of that. theyre about equal in looks and i get along with the second one a bit better, but shes disliked by a lot of people. i dont know who to choose.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Substituting levothyroxine tabs from US with thyronome tabs from Abbott India.?

I'd be very leery of taking a non-prescription Levothyroxine. You probably wouldn't have felt much different from skipping 10 days of your Levothyroxine since the half-life is 8 days. I would immediately go back to your own prescription and stop the Indian meds.

I really want to be a real estate agent then become a real estate broker, is that just a path of failure?=/?

everyone tells me im just gonna fail sense the market is shitty... im in college and plan on getting my bachelors in Business. do you think a career in real estate is a stupid choice?=( i would LOVE to do it, and i think i would be good at it. i will also be only 21 when i get my real estate licensee so i have plenty of time to learn the Business. i need every ones opinion and advice please!

Why do blacks usually support the democrat party?

Democrats have historically been poison for anyone trying to take the initiative to better their own lives.

Is it cheaper to get a homeowners insurance policy through independent insurance broker or direct from ins. co?

You would think a policy from a direct writer would be cheaper since they would not owe a commission, however this is not always the case. If you want the best policy for the cheapest price you will have to do some research. An independent agent that represents many companies may be your best choice to start with in the research process. Good Luck

What do evolutionists think of these quotes, almost all by evolutionists?

I think that every single time you use quote mining, you associate your religion with dishonesty. Don't you guys have some kind of commandment about lying?

Help with 2nd va home loan in texas?

Me and my husband are looking at buying a 2nd home with another VA loan, the mortgage broker we spoke with today is saying we have to spend a minimum of 144,000.00 in order to qualify for a va loan. Has anyone ever heard of this Ive heard of them giving you the max but a minimum seemed a bit weird. If this is true can you please explain in easy terms so maybe I can understand Thanks in advance!

Can liara be a mass effect 2 companion?

i know that downloading the shadow broker dlc lets liara be your companion for that mission, but will it let liara be my companion for the rest of the game? i just wanna know so i dont waste me MS points, thanks for the answers guys :)

I need help with the HSC!! (NSW-AU)?

It doesnt matter whether it is a family thing or a holiday - unless it is urgent like you have an operation scheduled (not a member of the family - you) that cannot be changed (and you have to be able to prove that) then you will have to resit the HSC next year. Completing the HSC is an OPTION it is not a necessary exam. Many students do not completed year 12 or sit the HSC. You will just need to complete it next year - there is no shame in taking 2 years to complete the HSC - and it will matter not one iota how old you are when you complete it.

How can a 12 year old girl get auditions for a movie?

My friend has always wanted to be in movies. She really wants to be in a movie and be discovered. How can she make that happen when she's in Germany? Please write I don't want to let her down. thank you!

How would you announce to the world that an Earthlike planet has been discovered about a distant star and that?

How would you announce to the world that an Earthlike planet has been discovered about a distant star and that its atmosphere contains gases produced by biological processes?

What do you guys think about Investing in Renewable Energy Companies?

The best way to invest is to diversify, try an index fund. Your parents can help you with this. Try Fidelity or Trow Price.

My 13 year old just can't memorize timetables?

She confessed she really didn't know them cause she has finals, So i said "Sure I will help you". I have tried and tried she just cannot memorize them. I am not sure if this is a disability or what i already knew her memory wasn't outstanding, Do you think this is a condition? Do you have any techniques that might work? She needs help with grammar also. Tutor is kinda out of thee question.

When do you think the US economy will stabilize year 2011? and why Brokers and analyst are welcome?

I think the US economy is in for rough sledding. Stabilization is going to take a while perhaps. The problem is that the economy back in 2005-2007 was driven by debt. It was a bubble. When bubbles collapse it takes a good while for economies to recover. The government's answer was to give money away in hopes to re-inflate the economy--read inflation. That did do wonders for oil and gold and silver. Inflated those nicely. Also doing wonders for ag products. Not doing so much good for employment though.

I need some help with my Naruto Fan Fic?

I think it would be good i mean i would probably see but i'm loving naruto i'm contestikari365 at fanfiction so if you have anything message. I think Kakashi would be perfect he's so cute, mysterious and everything. I'm more of sasuhina,kakahina, nejihina or gaahina as you can tell i love hinata :)

Digital Energy -- Will it be possible someday?

Is it possible that someday scientists will discover a way to digitize energy, making it possible to store it like other digital data?

Now when we walk past each other he'll stare straight past me or look away/down... why?

Next time you see him try talking to him. You don't have to say anything about it but see if he speaks of it first. If you can find the courage to say it to him without being uncomfortable, then just ask him.

Where to trade gold after Dodd-Frank?

In this market of uncertainty, trade the S&P through options, puts and calls as the market swings.

Purchasing .edu links?

I am interested in purchasing some .edu links for but I have been told that it is not good to deal with the link brokers as these links are recognized as rented links. Is there truth to this and if so, what is the best way to get .edu links?

My Blackberry 9300 won't connect with bluetooth HS-300! Help!?

I just bought the HS-300 bluetooth and I've aready paired it which means that my phone discovered it but when I try to connect it, it says ''Connection to HS-300 failed''. What does this mean and can anyone help me pls?

Namaaz (salat) question?

hi i just like to know is it possible for fajr namaaz to start at at 2:16 am i live in bburn and thats what it says on my local namaaz timetable that i have been using for years

How much would a new in box colt python sell for?

There is really no way to tell if a gun is truly "new in the box" only that it "appears" to be so. No scratching or holster wear is a good sign but that's no guarantee. That's about the going price for a Python I'm sure it was blue because the high polish stainless ones are the ones that go for big bucks. The 4 inch model seems to go for the least with the 2 1/2" getting the premium. Ugly used ones go for $800 all the time.

What is best makeup to cover melasma?

I have just discovered that I have Melasma or Pregnancy mask on my face and especially my upper lip. I am trying to find a makeup that will cover it with out feeling like sludge. I do not care how much it costs. What is the best?

Why has this girl stopped talking to me?

Hun, shes lost interest. Dont waste your time on her. You can find someone much better :) dont settle, find someone who deserves your affection :)

How can I restore my computer to its original factory settings?

Just check ur first restore date which is available. Now laps r coming with a c.d. or s/w which hav those facility in it. If u hav with u, try that.

Can my baby survive with no amniotic fluid?

I am 7 weeks along in my pregnancy. I had some spotting and freaked out so I went to the ER. I've had previous miscarriages (ab out 5+ years ago) and this is my 3rd pregnancy. The doctors state the baby has a slow heart beat (97-101) but is nonetheless alive but they also discovered zero amniotic fluid in its sack. Can it survive without? They said its a very small chance but has anyone else had issues like this?

Becoming a doctor or a stock broker at a firm in Wall Street, which would you choose? Why?

Being a stock broker sucks, unless you are the type of person who is a good and shameless salesman. The big money in Wall Street is not in being a broker -- most of those saps wash out when they don't make quota.

We're in love but he says we can't be together?

We met on Facebook in April of 2009. We talked and talked, and were soon best friends. He finally broke in July and told me how much he loved me. I had never been happier... He was 18, I was 16. 9 months after meeting online he had saved up and flew from England to Australia to meet me and be with me for 6 months. We were so in love and growing stronger and stronger. We talked about everything, we were each other's first real relationship (we'd dated others but nothing this serious) and we were each other's first time, and first love. He is honestly the love of my life, the greatest person I know, the most beautiful and amazing man I've ever met. He flew back to England to start at Oxford University, so we spent 4.5 months apart. I planned to fly out to England as soon as my exams in my final year at school ended and was going to work and study in England originally to be with him. But then I discovered how much I actually wanted University here. We've been together almost 2 years and known each other a little longer. We've talked about getting married, we're engaged to be engaged, we've talked about spending the rest of our lives together. But I handled his exam period terribly, my depression picked up and I had to struggle with this jealousy I had over a girl who was fascinated with him and tried to kiss him days before I got to the country. I've been trying to overcome that and I finally said I could trust him completely, but trust is hard to come by in my family and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to say. But... he's telling me that although he loves me, he thinks I'm being childish for staying in the country and making my mum pay for my university here, he thinks we need to break up in order to grow as people and that by doing this it is him trying to give our relationship the best possible chance of succeeding. I know it sounds like he's forcing me out of his life, out of his country in hopes of us drifting apart, because I fear that I'll lose him like this. I love him so, so much... I can't live without him. He is my soulmate, and I want him to fight for our relationship. To everyone it sounds like he's trying to find an excuse to leave me, but nobody hears or sees when we're alone and how much love there is there. It's killing me that we feel so much for each other and he thinks there is no way of us working and growing as people if we're together, how can he think that? I know I'm difficult now because I gave up my life in Australia and I have very few friends because it's difficult to meet people my age, but when I get to University everything will change... but he won't give that a chance, he says that I HAVE to leave because I'm selfishly accepting my university funds from friends and family who love me. I'm so, so scared of losing him but I have no idea how to help us... we're taking 2 weeks to date and it's 2fold, us trying to be apart so we can see how we cope alone, and also trying to see how things will change in his mind about us, if they'll change. I don't think anyone can give me advice other than to be strong and that I'll get through the break up... but only say something if you think it will help FIX us. Please... I'm already feeling so broken... I can't lose my best friend and my soul mate.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is a good private school to study Mandarin in Wuxi Jiangsu?

I would like to improve my Mandarin so thinking of going to China to enroll in a private school. I am pretty keen on Wuxi in Jiangsu province but having a hard time finding information about private Mandarin schools online. Does anyone have an recommendations? I would like a school where I can be a bit flexible in setting up my timetable and classes as I would like to have a bit of time off to travel around China as well.

Are city financial legitimate lenders?

I have been offered a loan when other lenders have turned me down. Are city financial brokers a scam?

Which road should i take for my future career path? 10 pnts.?

You don't need any degree to be a vet assistant; most vet offices will train you themselves. You'd make about minimum wage with that. With a degree from a beauty school, you can make a bit more (less than a year of college). Stock brokers don't really need any education, but a finance degree would help. An air traffic controller attends a special school for that. An anesthesiologist requires 8 years of college and an additional 5 more of training. A lawyer has 7 years of college. You cannot be more than one of these people at a time, so pick a career, don't just pick all the ones you've ever heard of. If you want a job that pays 90k by that age of 24, none of these are going to do it for you. Try getting a degree in petroleum or aerospace engineering instead. That MIGHT pay that well.

Is there a discount online broker that lets me demo trade with stocks?

Yup, the broker lets you test their software free in realtime, but its only for a week. After that you need an account to use their software.

New waitress, did I make the mistake or the manager? :S?

Explain just like u did an find out who & when they pencil u in if u r written up explain ur positon on paper

Buying pink sheet stocks?

wow penny stocks. You either have a lot of money to burn and are greedy or you're stupid and think it sounds like easy money. I've never seen an ask price in penny stocks at 0.0001 so watch the ASK price that's what you'll be paying. Watch the volume, that's the number of shares sold that day. The amount of shares you bought, you won't even end up selling so you'll end up losing.

If a girls best friend, keep saying she likes it usually true?

It would seem in this situation that she could be playing you along a bit. I mean, if you don't spend that much time with this girl, then how can you be together seriously? I would suggest addressing her face to face and questioning her on this. If she is just having a laugh, then she'll either deny it or awkwardly tell you how she feels. If she does fancy you, and does want to get together, she might show aa few signs. If you do want to get together, and she does show signs, then chase her.

If a girls best friend, keep saying she likes it usually true?

yes. women dont waste times when it comes to that. and she told you directly? pursue her. quickly. no "but what if's"! get with her. now.

First time buying a call option. need advice?

SIMPLE ANSWER: YES, you can buy at $0.21 and sell at $0.42 and double your money. No need to exercise the option or anything.


I have recently discovered about 12 insect bites on my legs, all of which are very itchy. Just wondering if anyone has any home remedies that I could try to stop or reduce the itching? many thanks.

My mum wants to have a talk with my form tutor... help!?

OK my mum rang my form tutor this morning and she said she wants to meet him and have a chat because i had this huge argument with my friends and I'm all on my own all day now and i know they whisper about me because they whisper then look a me and then laugh. Because of them every morning it takes my mum about 20 minutes and me crying my head off to get me out of school so she let me take the day off today because i started having a asthma attack when crying this morning but now she says in an hour or so we have to see my form tutor about this. I really don't want to because i know it will make this all much more worse if i talk to him about it, trust me i know. Those girls who i called my 'friends' are bitches who i literally hate with all my guts. What should i do? I really don't want to talk to him about it! I'm 13 by the way and i know crying my head off sounds kinda weird but the whole situation is much worse, I'm just giving the short story. I want to move school my my mum said its too complicated especially as right now I'm going to a grammar school and the school that i would go to if i moved would be my sister's school and that's a state school. My mum said i could move classes, but i don't want to because it'd make everything difficult for me, new teachers, new books, new timetable, new rooms, new people and i like my form right now except for those bitches. When i declined to that my mum said i should sort this all out then, be the bigger person and apologize even though none of it is my fault and I've tried about 10 times but all they do when i apologize is swear at me, laugh then walk away, i don't want to be their friend, i wouldn't anymore in a million years, i just want them to stop turning people against me and all. So i've just stopped because I'm sick of it and I'm sick of them, but what should i do about talking to my teacher because i really really really don't want to!!!

My dog has been having seizures once every 2 months first he had one in April and then one last night.?

He is a bichon poodle x Chihuahua mix. I know to take him to a vet, but me and my father are waiting until the third on happens. Pls answer this, I would like a answer! We r planning to ask the person we got my dog if the mom had any seizures, And if it was in the brokers and sisters. My dog is only 2 years old! Thanks in advance!!!

What is the best approach to getting out of my mortgage with my credit union?

My husband and I are paying much more for our home than what it is worth, as probably most Americans are today. We kind of settled on the house in the first place when we bought it, and we both hate it. I am currently on maternity leave and am most likely not returning to work so I can attend school in September. My husband is a laid-off teacher who has no idea whether he will be working in the fall or not. We make our mortgage payments on time every month, but we are getting more and more tempted to skip one or two payments in order to save some cash. Problem is, we are too honest and responsible (unlike others out there), not to mention scared, to do that. Ultimately, we would love to just drop the place, maybe do a short sale or something like that. I'm sure everyone is looking for a way to get out of their mortgage right now, but is there a right way to do it? We pay our bills, but with me not working and hubby possibly not having a job in a few months, would we be able to demonstrate a valid hardship? Also, our mortgage is through a credit union, not a bank or mortgage broker, so I don't know how that would change our approach. If you have any advice at all to offer on what steps we can take, or if you just want to tell me to suck it up and deal with our crappy house because we should be happy we have a roof over our heads, I would love to hear it. Thanks.

Please help me out.. I can't stop feeling heavily broken?

I am feeling very insecure over a guy. He used to show interest for about a year and I liked him too, but never showed it cos I'm shy, so the next year he stopped showing it and started to ignore me. (He's not shy.) Start of this year my timetable was being passed around and he kept his head down and wouldn't pass it on. I sent him a rose this year (school organized that you could send one to someone) but I guess I gave him mixed signals the next day. He tried to get a seat next to me in a very full room the next morning (but the girls wouldn't move along a seat) and I ignored him when he stared at me... but I'm just shy! Now he just ignores me. When we walk past each other he'll stare straight ahead or look away/down.. so I guess he's over it. I'm getting depressed over it and just feel like crying all the time. Advice?

Can unmarried couples who live together have joint auto insurance in Illinois?

As I know some insurance companies has this service in my city. You can compare and apply to such plans online here -

Would you be worn out or bored with this same routine?

I'd get bored too, and I totally understand about the whole parents separated deal. When my parents got divorce I barely saw my mum. You just have to call him up and ask what would be a good time to hang. Making plans early is important.

Predictions for E3 "Super Secret Release"?

Hey um I think I saw about 5 Super secret releases in the timetable for E3, I think one or two are sequels. What do you think they will be? As for me I hope Bully 2, Battlefront 3 and no idea about the others.

Is this a "date" or not?

It was definitely a casual hangout. He was trying to spend time with you, but wasn't an actual date. Just be careful not to let him take advantage of you since you say you're not from the area...

Lump lower neck and torso?

Around the beginning of March last year I recently discovered a lump on my lower torso, as in where my leg joins into my stomach, and then probably a couple of days later, about 13th March 2010, I discovered that I had two lumps on the right and one on the left, the one on the left side is a lot larger yet the two on my right seem smaller but quite a lot harder, then about a month after that, about April 2010, I discovered a lump on the lower left of my neck, none of them hurt, and were only discovered randomly, I know I should of maybe done something sooner, but I'm just wondering, as I still have them, If there's any chance these could be cancerous, I'm 14, 5"9 and I weigh in about 8 stone 8 so I don't exactly think that they could be fat, but I'm just completely confused as to what to do

How to create a reading timetable?

Try and read when ever you really get the chance ex. Lunch break, you finished your lunch early and you don't have anything else that needs to get done. I carry whatever book I am reading out with me. Just in case I have extra time. Example- Your flight gets delayed.

Please give advise on this one i dont know what to do ?

when my parents looking for a girl marriage broker gave photo of girl who is my student. I dont know what to do

NYC Apartment renting restrictions/laws?

My girlfriend and I are trying to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan and are having trouble dealing with the rental agency restrictions. We are an unmarried couple with a combined income around $70K and the apartments we are looking at are between $1600-1800/month. Each agency we've met with says that as an unmarried couple we cannot combine our income in this way. So they told us we each need a guarantor who makes about 80xtimes the monthly rent- but we do not have 2 guarantors to meet this condition. One of these apartments this happened at was an apartment for $1750/month, I told him we do not have 2 guarantors and we both want to be on the lease, so instead of having a guarantor--what if I prepaid you a full year's rent on a 1-year lease $21,000 in cash up front? The guy said that the rental agency won't do that either? WHAT THE HECK...and this same thing happened with another broker and management company. Does this sound strange to any one? How do we, as an unmarried couple, get an apartment together in NYC?

Cheapest way to use a US phone in Canada?

Who is your provider? Some US cell companies do have programs where you get calling to US & Canada for free including when you are there. I know that AT&T does have something like that. You can also look into getting a prepaid sim card for your phone to use only when in Canada and switch it when you are there.

What happens when police lose stolen property?

We were burgled a couple of years back. We gave statements which detailed the stuff that had been taken, mainly jewellery. Some stolen property was retrieved via a pawn broker, we weren't told exactly what, and how much . We were told by the sergeant dealing with the case that it would be used as evidence in court. The burglar was prosecuted and served time, and the the investigation seems to have concluded. We have made a number of enquires as to when we would get our stuff back and originally told that it would be retained in case of any appeal etc. I have made recent enquiries since then; however, now we have been told that there is no trace. It seems they have no record of what evidence they held and it may have been lost in the system. I am considering some kind of complaint, but what happens in a scenario such as this, is there any kind of compensation for this? I was please the police nailed him, but It seems a bit wrong when the lad who done it is now walking round town still on drugs and will likely commit a similar crime again to feed his habit. Alot of the jewellery had sentimental value more than anything.

I would REALLY appreciate some advice on this guy I've liked for 2 years?!?!?!!?!?!?

it kinda sounds like he's a bit shy around you. be more friendly to him and talk to him. if you keep ignoring him then he's probably going to think that you don't like him anymore. from what you say, it does sound like he's giving positive signs. maybe he likes you back. good luck :)

How out-of-date is my computer? (specs provided). Is my computer old?

Well seen as though you only use it for watching videos and surfing the web, i'd say it's fine. although the operating system is fairly out dated, it doesn't really matter, as long as it does what you want it to, there would be no need to buy a new PC.

What is the school system like in the USA?

At my school we dont have the same lesson everyday but we learn more about one thing for awhile then move on! Like at the beginning of the yr you review the yr before stuff then you learn new things! You can't where shorts that show your butt and you can't wear shirts that show ur stomach! We have a first bell and it rings at 7:55 in the morning then the second one at 8:00am at the end of he day we get out at 3:22... Last yr we had too many snow days so the made the day longer and they liked that so they kept the time that way other wise we would get out at 3:15.... R u coming to America?? My bff is from Korea and she liked it here

A Credit Card collections got my number when my friend used my house as a shipping address?

You see my friend was visiting out of state and used my house as a shipping address when he bought something online. But unfortunately a credit card company called Discover Financials has been relentlessly calling my house asking for my friend non-stop. I know when he used my shipping address he didn't use my phone number at all since he showed me proof. So how would this credit card company get my phone number when I'm not even listed?

Choosing between Montgomery GI Bill vs Post 9-11 GI Bill and Illinois Veterans Grant?

About to leave the military and going back to Illinois. I have bought into the MGIB for $1200 and qualify for a 100% of the post 9-11 gi bill and also qualify for the Illinois Veterans Grant. I already possess a Bachelors in Finance prior to joining. My question is can you go to community college for a brokers license for example using the post 9-11 if I already possess a degree? Which of the three is the best to use first? Would it be better to use a combo of the two or use one at a time? Can you use the MGIB first for a few months, then transfer to the post 9-11? Im sure that im not the only one thats finds these options confusing being veteran in Illinois!! Please Help!!!

In examining an organic compound, you discover that it contains the following functional group. What class of?

B, R--NRR' are amines, alcohol is R--OH, carboxylic acid is R--COOH, ester is R--COOC--R, ketone is R3C-CO-CR3

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Online/internet trading stock broker firms on the colombo stock exchange in sri lanka with the least initial i?

can someone please give me the name of the brokerage firm that offers the least amount required for opening an online trading or internet trading account on the cse. the one that i currently have wants a minimum investment of rs. 200k which is currently unaffordable to me. furthemore it would be much appreaciated if a list of firms and their requirements are provided.

Should I leave my boyfriend based on his internet behavior?

I started dating a guy a little over two years ago. Within 6 or 7 months of our relationship, I found out that he was posting ads on Craigslist under the guise that he was a professional photographer wanting to take nude photos of women. Keep in mind HE IS NOT A PHOTOGRAPHER. He claims that 3 women responded, but only one agreed to it. He also claims that he never did it. Throughout the next year I found out that he was soliciting his female friends on facebook under the guise that he wanted to do a professional portfolio. Eventually he went into counseling after he was caught on Chat Roulette attempting to play truth or dare with a young girl. He's been in counseling this whole time and he has changed. The soliciting stopped, he began to open up and we started to become very open and close to one another. This past weekend, however, I discovered that he was doing internet searches on topics such as "how to make women notice you", "how to flirt while taken", & " how to pick up women in hotel bars". I'm really tired of all of this. He claims he never intended to act on it, that it was just harmless searches based on stuff he saw on tv. Given his past history, I'm not so sure. I'm at a point where I feel like I need to decide what's best for me. Yes, I love him. I stuck by him because he went to counseling and really started working on himself. He has asked me this time to support him through this. He's asked that I understand that so much of his life revolved around using the internet for solicitation/pornography/dating, that it's a hard addiction to break. He constantly says he loves me and only wants me and has even brought up marriage. However, I'm concerned that he is prone to cheating and couldn't even begin to think of marrying him right now. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I feel like I've done my best to love him and support him, but I'm tired of feeling hurt. His behavior over the past 2 years has seriously effected my self esteem. No matter how hard I try to move past it all, something always comes up and makes me second guess our relationship. Please share your advice with me, whether is should I break up with him or how to break up with him or even how to get back to feeling good about myself. I'd truly appreciate it.

A starter motorcycle?

The ninja! The Katanas around then were heavy and handled like pigs. The Ninja is lighter, better handling, gets better milage and IMO is more comfy. Plus maintenance on the oiled cooled four of the Suzuki could be pricier.

Is this a good idea for a fantasy story?

This is a very interesting story! Congrats!!! I hope that you will write a book about this and I'll be glad to read her. Keep going like this!

Attention Truckers and/or owner operators!!!???!!?

I am planning to get in the car hauling business. I plan to buy a truck with a head rack and trailer that can carry 10 cars. I also would like to lease it to a broker who has contracts with two new car manufacturers then hire my own driver and pay him/her somewhere around 20-25 percent of the loads worth. The question I have is if any of you would care to give me some advice because I am new to this but I do see a financial upside to it, I understand that trucks are expensive to maintain etc, any advice would be useful, Thank you very much

How am I suppose to know If I'm going to Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, being reincarnated after death?

I believe there is more out there to discover. I believe there is more than just Heaven and Hell in the afterlife. How am I suppose to know if I'm going to heaven, Purgatory, Hell, being reincarnated or become a ghost/spirit after my physical body dies?

If I set up a meeting between an insurance broker/friend and a company pres. should I receive compensation?

Lets say the deal would have never even had a chance of happening without my making the connection. If it comes together it is worth 50,000 dollars to my freind. I am not a business guy but I have heard of this kind of arrangement.

How can you tell if a stock is a forex?

Sorry if this is no help to you but I think you should know that if you get a lot of those stocks there is a great chance you will get loads of cash. I think you should stay with them. But, you will be charged extra because I don't think it is American.

If I posted a picture of my 1974 Arrow Glass boat, would someone be able to give me more details of the model?

I have a 1974 Arrow Glass but can't find much information about it on the internet. I'm hoping to discover the model type and learn more about the history of it (i.e. manufactured quantity, location manufactured, original owner, etc). The boat still shows the original serial number on it.

Condominium Declaration Question?

I am the President of a 12 unit Condominium in Crestwood Illinois. Our building recently lost over $17,000 trying to evict a non paying owner. He is gone, now the unit sits empty. Is there a way our Condo Association can require a credit check for new buyers prior to either a bank or broker sale? If it is possible, how do we go about doing that?

Gas leak after refurbishment?

After having my kitchen refurbished by local housing i discovered that for 3 weeks i had 2 gas leaks one in cooker now condemned ( never failed gas safety check before ) and the other in my main gas meter after it was moved higher, Would i be entitled to a claim. I signed a non liability form but this was only for electrical items so does gas have a higher standard and notwithstanding the fact that 1 / if i was not on holiday for 2 weeks or was cold any time for the week i came home me my daughter and dog could be dead. I believe cooker was broken after being moved in and out many times and gas meter leak was caused by meter being raised. anyone's help in this matter regarding possible claim would be much appreciated

I have a bad ingrown toenail. Help :(?

I've had it for over a month now. When I first discovered it, I cut it out, or so I thought. It quickly got worse and now the skin around it has gotten swollen, hard, and thick, keeping me from cutting it out. I think it's infected and it's very painful and sensitive. I tried fixing it after a long hot shower, but no luck. Normally I wouldn't put out an embarrassing question as this, but it's so unbearable now that even a slight touch causes me a lot of pain. Please help, or give me suggestions?

The fact that he appears to have lost interest is fully tearing me apart?

Ignoring people is rude, even though you are shy, it is still rude. You keep giving him mixed signals, no wonder the guy is confused and it's hardly surprising he ignores you. Remember, you reap what you sow. If you ignore people, they will do the same to you. Carry on as per normal, if you see him give him a polite hello, if he stops to chat, then chat with him and see where it goes from there.

How to get tone/toned in 1 month?

Now I know that is a short timetable, but I only weigh 117-120lbs standing 5'7. I have somewhat a stomach on that note. What is a good EASY to get into method. using dumbells, sit ups, watever. for a total workout. Ways to workout legs alternativly to jogging? Pec exercises? I can NEVER keep up any sort of routine due to UNCERTAINTY/doubtfulness that it isn't enough or not a good method. Questioning If my 30-40min workout was enough? I don't know why I'm not sore? Or not sore in areas I worked, but broke a nice sweat? I put pressure on myself. I get easily discouraged and dont want that ANYMORE.. please help! Just people with real experience not half-assed anwsers!

How do I know I am getting the best home loan?

my wife and I are thinking of going with a mortgage broker, because we think that they can get us the best rate. and we think that they know witch companies are trust worthy. does anyone have any advise for us?.

Is Mormonism a Christian religion similar to Methodism or Presbyterianism?

As we face the fact that two Republican candidates are Mormons, it is time for people to get serious and discover what Mormons believe and determine if these beliefs make them just another branch of the Christian faith or something so bizarre, so outrageous, so aberrant when compared to the Orthodox Christian faith that it is time to take a close look at Romney and Huntsman.

10 points: Got any advice on how to chase my dream?

i am a rapper/producer, and all i can tell you is just follower your heart, not to be mean but everybody is not cut out for the music industry. if singing is what you want to do just chase your dreams no matter what people tell you... Good Luck Kid

TVersity - too many folders!?

I have a new desktop and I just discovered I can stream from my desktop to my PS3. Well, the program I am using to stream is 'TVersity' and when I go into my PS3 and go under 'Video' to play a movie I have multiple folders, some with files I don't even have that can't even play under names like '212$@!2sc". Is there anyway to just have like four folders titled 'Movies' 'Music', etc instead of all the folders like 'Tag' 'Hulu' etc that come on there already?

Are there commissions paid on PMI? If so who gets paid?

Are there commissions paid on PMI? If so who gets paid? It seems that when there is a insurance transaction someone gets paid the commission (Broker, Agent, etc)

NROTC former drug use?

It will affect it against other people applying that have not experimented with it. A lot of people lie when they enlist into the Military. I personally did not lie and I have a drug waiver

In a sticky situation, could you please help me....?

Sounds like your really over thinking and worrying about it. it should be HIM who sends the message first and sends you a rose, if he isnt then your making yourself look needy and embarresing yourself. why dont you just try ignoring him and not trying so hard then he'll find it more attractive. treat them mean to keep them keen.

What australian movie is this? HELP?

OMG my friend was watching that the other day! i just dropped by to visit.. GAHHH i dnt rmr whats its callled :/

What should i call my movie and what do u think of it?

There is this girl name Carrie and she lives with her sister Amamter and there single mom . Their mom wants to move to grandma since she cant pay for the house no more .So they all start to pack for the moving .Amamter is murdered during a day when they were backing .So mom has to cancel the moving and has to earn money for the funeral . Carrie goes into depression . Starts to get close to conversions and people these days faking and acting strong . Later in the movie her friend Travis tells her hes moving soon leaving her to have a big argument with him saying she will be all alone now. She goes crazy in the end of the movie and claws her face off or kills herself in a different way in her favorite park. her body's discovered 3 days later. In the end end of the movie there's a twist. Travis walks down the park where she dies and looks around a note falls down on the ground and he picks it up it says a person is born innocent soon to become the oppiste of what they were but for me it was diffrent i was born to kill myself i was born to never be pure. He is taped on the shoulder by a hand turns around and sees Carrie and hugs her in her ghost bloody form but she hugs him and behind he back is a knife meaning she still hates him for living a smile appears on her face. im thinking of calling it pure or my way to insanity .

Needs help with a swollen cut ?

I am 14 years old and I have been cutting myself for six months . I cut because I want to control something which I have just recently discovered . I cut myself yesterday and now it swollen I have already disinfected it the cut is in my lower abdomen where the hair grows . Should I be concerned it's really red and swollen ? I would just like everyone to know I am never going to cut again 8 hours of no cutting so far .

Is it currently safe for a Coptic Christian girl to convert to Islam?

I studied Islam for a while. Is it safe for me to do it in Egypt? I am afraid my family might kill me if they discovered.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Any good songs like the ones by ludvico einuadi?

I'm a teenager who's discovered that there's more to music than the charts. Any other good inspirational songs??

New driver insurance?

Guys like you and I are considered the most dangerous drivers on the road so our rates are the highest among any demographic. This is especially true if you're driving an upscale car. If you've tried all the different websites and all the quotes are too high, try persuading an older family member with a good driving record to see if that person can add you to their insurance. I am with Geico and I pay $160 month, which is remarkably low considering I'm a male, under 25, live in NY, and have only had my license for 2 years.

At what point do I tell my wife that she as a son?

So you had sex with your comatose wife? I really want to be there when you tell her that. That will be so funny. Congatulations.

Do you think there are portions of our brain that we have not yet discovered?

I totally believe this. But there are way too many 5 sensory people on this Earth. We will never be able to use more parts of our brain. If we do it's only going to be VERY few.

Skinny Guy Weight Gain Tips :/ i need tips! some one help!?

im 16 and im slim ive started eating food with alot of calories and drinking alot of water and im going gym 3 times a week is there any way i can put weight on fast i need some tips some one said i should try takeing creatine tablets and drinking lots and lots of water nd keep eating and eating can some one just give me some tips and could some one do me a good food timetable that i can follow thanks :)

My broker does not allow compounding?

Compounding is not something a broker allows or disallows but a matter of what investments you are making within the account. If the gains are from a bond, it isn't compounding, if it's from preferred shares or dividend paying stock, it's not compounding, if it's from a dividend reinvestment program, it's compounding if it's in capital gains, it's compounding. You want it to compound, you reinvest it and putting money in an account with a broker isn't investing, that simply means you can invest within that account. So what made you that 25%? Just putting $1,000 to open an account isn't investing in anything, you still have to buy stocks, bonds or funds with that $1,000and what make it compound is you reinvesting the gains made. Also 25% a month amounts to 1,355% per year and you are most assuredly not getting that much of a gain. Perhaps what you're doing wrong is math, let alone investing.

I just love to dance dance dance.?

I dance all the time i never give it a rest i have danced on and of since i was 3 With ballet modern and tap. I have now settled and would love for dancing to become a job option for myself. I just would like to no i just moved dance academy because the timetable hours and i really want to go on pointe i am ready for it in myself but How long do i have to wait.

Difficulty in opening a Demat a/c?

I feel that ur broker has simply cheated u because opening a Demat account doesnot require such a long time.So talk with him and try to get your money back and the open a fresh demat account from a well known broker or preferably some Bank like IDBI, ICICI, Axis or SBI.

Where can I order human blood?

I recently discovered I am a vampire and am very ill, I need blood soon or I might die. Can anyone help?

Why am i so unlucky ?

im so unlucky...i have a new school timetable which basically i am the one that has different timetable from all my close friends when last yeaar i was in my classes with most of my friends, i never get lucky with guys, i have weird mood swings, we are not rich i usually find myself goig onto sites and fantasising maybe one day, i have unluck with school work and how i get on, my dad and mom split when i was 9 my older sister and i have fallen out big mum is also unlucky, i dont get it she lost her good job now she cant find a proper one, her car broke, my sister moved out (from arguments),our shower got taken down for safety reasons. our light broke these all sound simple but it all adds up when it keeps happening ..if this is past life why ? i mean if i done something bad before shouldnt this be a fresh start? i hate this life which just brings me bad luck

How old do you have to be to use a pawn brokers in the UK?

I need some money and wondered how old you have to be to go to a pawn shop in the UK. I know its probably 18 but I need to know for certain.

How to be a broker in stock market?

You can become a stock broker if you just have a normal degree by doing National Stock Exchange certified courses ( or Post graduate diploma in Capital Market, or MBA in Finance will be preferable. plus, should have work experience of at least 2 years and only then you can apply to become a broker in stock market.

How Deep Does the Corruption go in the Supreme Court?

Now corporations that produce generic drugs are not responsible to put warning labels on the drugs for side affects discovered after they have gone generic, even when the non generic drug corporations know and have placed those warnings on their labels. Why is the Supreme Court not protecting us? and in this case, how are we ever supposed to be able to protect ourselves? Stop taking pharmaceuticals altogether?

I woke up with lots of bug bites?

So I woke up this morning and I discovered I had bites (similar to mosquito bites) all over my abdomen, back, hips, sides, and groin area. They itched extremely bad, and I ended up counting well over 25. I'd really like to know what cause all these bites. I just stripped my bed to look for bugs (and to wash the sheets) but even after looking with a magnifying glass, I didn't find anything. What could this be?

How do I get from zurich airport to bern central railway station?

I will be going to Switzerland for the first time and I will be landing at Zurich airport. I have seen that the airport has its own railway station but I can't seem to find any information about it. My destination is Bern Central Railway Station. How would I find the timetables? Are there trains at all times? How much would it approximately cost? Also, I'm only going to be in Bern for a week and then I'll be going back to Zurich Airport... Would it be advisable to get a travel card or would it not be worth the money? Thank you...

Why do people hate vegetarians so much?

i understand it when vegetarians are pushy and try to force their beliefs on others, but in general why are they hated on? ive been one for a year now and im just curious why people get mad when they discover i am one. im not like, conceited or whatever about it.i dont go around saying im healtheir and better than you and how can you eat that stuff.. i dont even tell people most of the time. when they offer me food i say i already ate or im not hungry or something like that. my boyfriend told me when i can to his cookout to NOT tell anyone if a vegetarian... why is it such a big deal.. i dont eat animals so what?!

Will more terror jolt us back into FEAR mode?

That's the whole idea behind 'Terror', it's made up to stop the power of the peoples awareness of how they are being conned.

Trading stocks online?

All online brokers are real time. The advantage of some brokers over others are the free software and free training they give with their service. TD Ameritrade, E-Trade and Scottrade are all great, but of the three, TD Ameritrade is superior. I have used all three. BUT TD Ameritrade with its Think or Swim trading platform is probably too sophiscicated for the beginner.

Can anyone confirm if Dukascopy Bank and trading services is a reliable broker?

It is a Swiss based Forex dealer and the banking and trading services laws and regulation in Switzerland are as strict or higher than those that apply to the U.S. Therefore I would say they would be a reliable broker.

Should I try to talking to him or move on? [My best friend says he's not interested?]?

I think you hurt his ego and now he's sore at you. Trying to get back at you for what he perceives as your 'rejection.' Maybe you can ask your friend to clear the air between you two or send him a nice message if you can't talk directly- I think its worth a try if you like him so much. Cheer up now :) you'll get him in the end :)

Is it normal for a 12 year old girl to masturbate?

So ok, this is kinda awkward but it’s been bothering me for a while and I feel like it might be affecting my life because I just can’t make a decision that I think is right. Well ok, so when I was twelve in the summer, when I had just really learned about sex, I kinda discovered how to masturbate. I felt kinda bad about it but it felt really good so I kept doing it throughout the summer and when school started again. I even went on a porn stage but I knew it was wrong so I stopped soon. So then like at school some perverted guys were talking and they started asking girls at my table if they ever touched themselves and they all were ewwing and said of course not, so then I started to think I was a pervert or like a freak and I felt really weird and awkward at school and at home. So then I turned 13 a week ago and I promised myself that I would never do something like that again but I really want to do it again cuz it felt really good but im confused now. I come from a really strict family, youngest of three girls, and I feel like an outcast and like im doing something wrong. So I was just wondering, am I normal? Will I hurt myself? Will this affect my relationships later on? Is it okay for me to do it again?? I just don’t want to make a bad decision but I still want to get over it…