Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Really, what should i do... its bothering me..?

ok so i have a friend (met in grade 8) now still is (shes atheist) (we've been friends for 4 yrs).. but theres also another new friend whose really close to my friend(b4''she'' came.. me and my friend were really close..same class.. go shopping etc. pretty close friends too) ..its like everyday well its summer... but during school weeks and stuff, they're holding hands. its bothering me cuz that friend (new one).. i discovered that shes really clingy to my best friend and always wanted to hold her hands.. everytime i see them they hold hand and talk and they're having fun.. but me.. i feel really awkward.. btw.. they're my friends too but i dont know wat to do.. if i say something they'll ignore me.. its bothering me for a week now... personally, the other friend.. i respect her but i dont like her... should i stick to other friends beside them and ignore them... im scared that they'll do something... also the new friend and i..we're both christians but she always hold and hugs my best friend and they're sort of forgetting about me.. they always sit together in front of my face >.

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