Friday, July 15, 2011

My mum wants to have a talk with my form tutor... help!?

OK my mum rang my form tutor this morning and she said she wants to meet him and have a chat because i had this huge argument with my friends and I'm all on my own all day now and i know they whisper about me because they whisper then look a me and then laugh. Because of them every morning it takes my mum about 20 minutes and me crying my head off to get me out of school so she let me take the day off today because i started having a asthma attack when crying this morning but now she says in an hour or so we have to see my form tutor about this. I really don't want to because i know it will make this all much more worse if i talk to him about it, trust me i know. Those girls who i called my 'friends' are bitches who i literally hate with all my guts. What should i do? I really don't want to talk to him about it! I'm 13 by the way and i know crying my head off sounds kinda weird but the whole situation is much worse, I'm just giving the short story. I want to move school my my mum said its too complicated especially as right now I'm going to a grammar school and the school that i would go to if i moved would be my sister's school and that's a state school. My mum said i could move classes, but i don't want to because it'd make everything difficult for me, new teachers, new books, new timetable, new rooms, new people and i like my form right now except for those bitches. When i declined to that my mum said i should sort this all out then, be the bigger person and apologize even though none of it is my fault and I've tried about 10 times but all they do when i apologize is swear at me, laugh then walk away, i don't want to be their friend, i wouldn't anymore in a million years, i just want them to stop turning people against me and all. So i've just stopped because I'm sick of it and I'm sick of them, but what should i do about talking to my teacher because i really really really don't want to!!!

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