Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why am i so unlucky ?

im so unlucky...i have a new school timetable which basically i am the one that has different timetable from all my close friends when last yeaar i was in my classes with most of my friends, i never get lucky with guys, i have weird mood swings, we are not rich i usually find myself goig onto sites and fantasising maybe one day, i have unluck with school work and how i get on, my dad and mom split when i was 9 my older sister and i have fallen out big mum is also unlucky, i dont get it she lost her good job now she cant find a proper one, her car broke, my sister moved out (from arguments),our shower got taken down for safety reasons. our light broke these all sound simple but it all adds up when it keeps happening ..if this is past life why ? i mean if i done something bad before shouldnt this be a fresh start? i hate this life which just brings me bad luck

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