Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If you were me would you bother confronting this jerk?

I have a friend who I recently discovered is not a real friend at all. Its a long story, but for starters he has sabatoged a past court case of mine. He is gay and did not want the "man" to get into trouble. (the man did sexual assault) Also he has told many stories and lies, never stays consistent. and he has stopped calling me, avoids calls, makes excuses. and he has done some pretty crazy things to me. When I tried to confront him on how he has said certain things, he of course either changes his story, or forgets his lies all together!. When he heard I was going to charge someone with sexual assault and Sue a School, he made a comment that a "dyke" was charging him with sexual assault and he had to go to court, so couldn't spend the day with me. way later, he changed the story..he lied, he was just mad and said that cause of the man i was going to charge. I didn't end up pursuing the case, my so called friend was also a witness and he basically messed up my whole case..and took off afterwards. I dropped the case against the school. he also has done some pretty nasty things. I mentioned a job i wanted to apply for, he ran and tried to get my job!. And he only calls if he needs something. theres alot more to this, but its too long a story. Basically if you had a freind who was making subtle hints at you, then later denying what he had said, even pathologising you..etc never staying consistent and forgetting his lies. Is it worth confronting this jerk? Or would you just move along. I want some advice this is bothering me alot.?

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